Affiliates & Satellite Training Groups

Shibu  and affiliates of Mizu Nagare

A Shibu is a satellite  training group, led by a student of the dojo who has been sponsored to teach by the Dojo-cho (head of the dojo).

Shibu-cho (Group Leaders) are sponsored with the full confidence of Shihan Capers, and return regularly to the parent dojo in the Twin Cities and/or make regular trips to Japan. These training groups will use the word Dojo in their name, reflecting a determination to follow through with their commitment to training and to the students they train. Rank and other official paperwork is handled through the parent dojo, until the Shibu-cho becomes a Shidoshi (licensed instructor).

Dojo affiliates are school that are led by a fully licensed Shidoshi or who received his/her training at Mizu Nagare, and who faithfully maintain the traditions of Bujinkan in their schools.

Click below to get more information about any of the active Shibu or affiliated Dojo and their locations:

Bujinkan Ganbaru Dojo

Sensei Joey & Alyssa Kraska

Located in Midland, MI


Bujinkan Senjo Dojo

Shihan Thomas and Shihan Jo Warfield

Located in St. Paul, MN

Contact through webform on site

Bujinkan Sandstone

Shibu-Cho Oliver Dykstra

Located in Sandstone, MN


Bujinkan Kaze Nagare Dojo

Sensei Gabriel Bain

Located in Bremond, TX

Contact through webform on site